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SKU: 209245-31

A delicate, sweet taste.Common Names: Blowball, cankerwort, dent de lion, lion's tooth, priest's crown, pu gong ying, uffball, swine snout, white endive, wild endiveTaraxacum officinale is the Latin name for the common dandelion that produces Dandelion Leaf. These herbs are very common throughout the world, to the point that they are considered a weed. The leaves of these herbs are gathered in the spring season and then dried for use.

1 oz. Average 5-6 Cups

2 oz Average 10-12 Cups

  • All tisanes are Kosher Pareve compliant. All tisanes are certified Organic under the USDA National Organic Program. Further product information can be found at Monterey Bay Spice Co. It is recommended that this product be stored in a cool, dry place.

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