Since ancient times, lemon balm has been used in naturopathic medicine as a supplement to alleviate different problems and discomforts, thanks to its analgesic and stimulating benefits. In addition, this plant is used to treat anxiety and nerves as a relaxant of natural origin, with smelling it, its lemon aroma feels very intense helping to calm the mood.
It is also known as a lemon balm for its citrus flavor. It grows naturally in the southern part of Europe and in the Mediterranean area, with the summer season being the best time for harvesting due to the concentration of its properties and benefits. Also, in recent studies, scientists discovered that lemon balm contains sedative properties, which are recommended for the treatment of nervous breakdowns, sleep disorders, and digestive problems.
Let's talk in detail about everything that melissa offers us, its origin, characteristics, and the properties that stand out among plants:
This plant belongs to the labiates, to the same group as mint, thyme, and oregano, lemon balm is considered a very aromatic herb with medicinal benefits. It has been distributed by the Mediterranean on the shores of the sea, by the south of the British Isles, and to the north by Morocco and the Middle East. Today, cultivation is carried out all over the world. This plant blooms from the end of spring to the end of the summer season, this being the best time in the field for its harvest.
Lemon balm tisane, what are they for?
The uses and benefits that lemon balm brings to health are multiple and countless, for these reasons it is considered a medicinal plant for a dietary supplement. In addition, it contains sedative and antidepressant effects, as it helps to naturally relax and calm episodes of anxiety and stress, it also improves and eliminates depressive symptoms. Thanks to its sedative properties, it relieves spasm pains in the digestive tract by eliminating accumulated gases. Also, it is considered an excellent tonic with benefits to the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system, helping to control arterial hypertension with its hypotensive effect. Similarly, thanks to its hepatoprotective effect, it helps cleanse the liver.
Its preparation is very simple, thanks to the fact that the lemon balm infusion is sold in individual filter bags, and in its bulk or loose leaf version.
1 filter bag or 1 bulk tablespoon lemon balm.
Cold mineral water (it is recommended so as not to alter the taste or aroma). Optional
Optional herbs: orange blossom, chamomile, linden, lemon verbena.
1 kettle, if you don't have it, heat water in a container of your choice.
Heat the water until it boils 212 F, turn off and then add lemon balm (1 filter bag or 1 loose tablespoon) directly to hot water for every 8 oz. of water put to heat. Wait for 3 to 7 minutes. If you have a reusable tea pod, pour the lemon balm into the pod, and close it, submerge it in the hot water. The more lemon balm you add, the more intense the flavor and the higher its properties.
Then, after 3 to 7 minutes, filter the loose lemon balm with a strainer, and or remove the used tea pods or filter bag.
Lastly, you can add any type of sweetener. If you want your drink cold, add the mineral water to give it a refreshing touch of bubbles, or simply put some ice. Serve in your favorite cup if you are going to drink it hot or use your favorite glass/cup/bowl for your cold drink and enjoy your tisane.
In a few words, Lemon balm or Melissa is a plant that is generally safe. Lemon balm is classified by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a dietary supplement and is not subject to the quality and safety testing.
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This article is merely informative, at ti-zahn we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
tzn / 06.2020